Anubhavinchu Raja Movie is released on 26 November 2021. Anubhavinchu Raja is a Comedy based movie where you can enjoy watching these types of categories. The Director of this movie is Srinivas Gavireddy.
Check out the more movies released by the same director of this movie Srinivas Gavireddy.
The main hero and heroine and a few important actors and comedians of this movie are Raj Tarun, Kashish Khan.
If you are a Comedy type movie lover then you will enjoy watching it.
If you are a fan of Raj Tarun then also do check these movies too. (Newly Released Movies)
Movie Name | Anubhavinchu Raja |
Hero Name | Raj Tarun |
Heroine Name | Kashish Khan |
Director Name | Srinivas Gavireddy |
Producer Name | Supriya Yarlagadda |
Cast Crew | Raj Tarun, Kashish Khan |
Category | Comedy |
Available Language | Telugu |
Release Date | 26 November |
Year | 2021 |
Box Office Collection | 2.3 cr |
So, this is the little info about the Anubhavinchu Raja movie. If you want to check out more of Raj Tarun then do check this post.
And if you are a fan of Kashish Khan then do check out these posts.
Anubhavinchu Raja has crossed over 2.3 cr in the collection, in a short period of time. The highest collection of Anubhavinchu Raja is about 2.3 cr by now. (This data is of (January)).
Here are the latest songs of Anubhavinchu Raja that are available to watch on youtube. You can check or listen to the songs from the link available here. (Top Songs of the Movie)
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