George Reddy Movie is released in the year 2022. George Reddy is on Biography, Drama based movie where you can enjoy watching these types of categories. The Director of this movie is B. Jeevan Reddy.
Check out the more movies released by the same director of this movie B. Jeevan Reddy.
The main hero and heroine and a few important actors and comedians of this movie are Muskaan Khubchandani, Sandeep Madhav, Satya Dev.
If you are a Biography, Drama type movie lover then you will enjoy watching it.
If you are a fan of Sandeep Madhav then also do check these movies too. (Newly Released Movies)
Movie Name | George Reddy |
Hero Name | Sandeep Madhav |
Heroine Name | Muskaan Khubchandani |
Director Name | B. Jeevan Reddy |
Cast Crew | Muskaan Khubchandani, Sandeep Madhav, Satya Dev |
Category | Biography, Drama |
Release Date | 22 November |
Year | 2019 |
Available Language | Telugu |
Box Office Collection | – |
Location | India |
So, this is the little info about the George Reddy movie. If you want to check out more of Sandeep Madhav, then check this post.
And if you are a fan of Muskaan Khubchandani, check out these posts.
George Reddy has crossed over 2cr in the collection, in a short period of time. The highest collection of George Reddy is about 2cr by now. (This data is of July).
Here are the latest songs of George Reddy that are available to watch on youtube. You can check or listen to the songs of George Reddy from the link available here. Top Songs of the George Reddy.
Here we have the George Reddy review, for more information about entertainment do follow the ibomma website. For mp3 songs do check the related post of this movie here.
NOTE: This site iBomma.app will provide reviews of Telugu ibomma movies that are released newly this year. Stay connected and get notifications of the new movies with the push notifications available on this site.
And also share us with the iBomma Lovers.

George Reddy Mp3 Songs
George Reddy songs are available to listen to now on the ibomma website. Here on this site, you can find the George Reddy mp3 songs mass Tamilian. To listen to the lyrics of the George Reddy songs, check below the songs with the song titles.
Here we have also listed the information about the George Reddy movie ibomma. If you are interested in knowing more about the movie and movie info you can check them above.
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George Reddy Naa Songs Mp3
George Reddy naa songs are available here in 12 different formats like mp3 format which is mostly used on all devices. WAV format, OGG format, FLAC format, M3U format, ACC format, WMA format, MIDI format, AIF format, M4A format, MPA format, and PLS format.
George Reddy movie songs are well made with beautiful lyrics and awesome background sounds. George Reddy movie songs are sung by the famous singers in all over south India.
The singer in this movie is anurag kulkarni and others.
The number of songs in this ibomma new movie is listed below.
- vijayam
- bullet
- adugu adugu
- nalage anni nalage
- jaji mogulali
So, these are the few songs from the George Reddy naa songs ibomma.
For more songs like Tollywood songs, Bollywood songs, Kollywood songs, sandalwood songs, and many other south Indian and north Indian film industries, do visit the ibomma site, here we do provide the information about the latest ibomma movies, movierulz new movies and the latest naa songs or music of the movies.
George Reddy Lyrics
George Reddy movie lyrics are available in different languages to listen to or to read in the text format. If you are a lyrics lover then do check out the below song lyrics.
For more songs, you can follow us on Telegram, and other social media.
The alternatives of the ibomma lyrics site are as shown.
paagal lyrics, pagali world hub, naa songs, naa music, naa lyrics, naa site music, Naa songs new, Telugu dub lyrics, Hindi dub lyrics, English dub lyrics, short film lyrics, Hindi lyrics, Telugu lyrics, Kannada lyrics, Tamil dub lyrics, Tamilian lyrics, Malayali lyrics, and much more.
Details of George Reddy song lyrics?
George Reddy song lyrics are known for the song in the readable text format, the song lyrics of this movie are as follows.
adugu adugu lyrics are shown below to read or sing.
bullet lyrics are shown below to read or sing.
jaji mogulali lyrics are shown below to read or sing.
Song Lyrics 1
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Vaadu vasthunte veedhantha Engine sound-u
Mogipothunde gundello Chedugudu band-u
Cheppakundaane aipoya ne girlfiend
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Haar jaaye sab uski
Baatho mein ko karle
Jaaye vo sab ko
Khabo ke gar par
Us ki aankhein ja matti
Chingari jaise
Baatho mein bijili chootha
Dil pe se
Oopirine melipetti laagesthunde
Nenu ekkada unna vaadi atthar cloth
Niddharalo poddhalle kavvisthundhe
Vaadu college canteen lo kurchune chotu
Adavini thalapinche
Vaadi thalapai craft roje
Dhuniyalo dhorakadhe
Aa body naaku
Nannegaresuku poyaade
Vaaditho paatu
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Veganga naavaipe doosuku vachi
Naaku dhooranga veluthunte
Aagadhu manasu
Ontariga okkadala thiruguthuvunte
Nannau vedinche vaadi venaka
Khaali seat-u
Dhaarulu choopinchu vaadi choopudu velu
Chuttukovalani undhi vaadi chitikena velu
Yededagulesi icchukunta naa vandhellu
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Song Lyrics 2
E Samaram . . Manadhi Ayithe
Vijayam . . Manadhe Kadha.
Kalale . . Kadali Odilo
Alalai Yegise Kadha.
Ee Vidividi Adugulu Okatai
Parugulu Pedithe
Jagamantha Mana Vente
Jayamantu Sagadha
Prathi Madhi Thana Gadhi
Vidichi Bayatiki Raaga,
Ee Hrudayam Ika Vishalame
Kaadha Rara
Modhati Adugu Ipude
Padindhi Sodhara.
Sakala Jagathi Kosam
Sye Antu Saagardha.
Kalalu Ganna Kaalam
Mundhundhi Choodaraa.
Gelupu Pilupu Vintu
Chindhesey Lera.
Ye Koosintha
Nela Lenivadu Kulodaiyyera
Sannakaaru Raithu Kuda
Kanneeru Aayera.
Kastajeevi Kadupukintha
Kudaina Ledhura.
Chemata Chukka Viluva Leni
Arallu Yendhira
Ni Vidhyake
Ye Modhati Adugu Ipude
Padindhi Sodhara.
Sakala Jagathi Kosam
Sayyantu Saagadhaa.
Kalalu Ganna Kaalam
Mundhundhi Chudaraa.
Gelupu Pilupu Vintu
Chindhesey Lera.
Song lyric 2
Aa Adavitalli Biddalantha
Allaadi Poyera.
Pallethalli Thalladilli
Nagara Jeevi Naddi Virigi
Nagubaate Ayyera.
Annapurna Bharathamaatha
E Deshmey . .
O Marpukai
Adugu Adugu Kalipi
Chindesi Aadaraa.
Sakala Jagathi Kosam
Sayyantu Saagaraa.
Kalalu Ganna Kaalam
Mundhundhi Chudaraa.
Gelupu Pilupu Vintu
Chindhesey Lera.
Song Lyrics 3
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Vaadu vasthunte veedhantha
Engine sound-u
Mogipothunde gundello
Chedugudu band-u
Cheppakundaane aipoya ne girlfiend
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Haar jaaye sab uski
Baatho mein ko karle
Jaaye vo sab ko
Khabo ke gar par
Us ki aankhein ja matti
Chingari jaise
Baatho mein bijili chootha
Dil pe se
Oopirine melipetti laagesthunde
Nenu ekkada unna vaadi atthar cloth
Niddharalo poddhalle kavvisthundhe
Vaadu college canteen lo kurchune chotu
Adavini thalapinche
Vaadi thalapai craft roje
Dhuniyalo dhorakadhe
Aa body naaku
Nannegaresuku poyaade
Vaaditho paatu
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Veganga naavaipe doosuku vachi
Naaku dhooranga veluthunte
Aagadhu manasu
Ontariga okkadala thiruguthuvunte
Nannau vedinche vaadi venaka
Khaali seat-u
Dhaarulu choopinchu vaadi choopudu velu
Chuttukovalani undhi vaadi chitikena velu
Yededagulesi icchukunta naa vandhellu
Vaadu nadipe bandi Royal Enfield
Vaadi choopullo undhi Che Guvera trend
Alternatives of ibomma
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So, these are the few most searched Movie sites list that are available online. And also, turn on our post notification to get updated with the new movie reviews.
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